
When you discover you have what may be a cyst, it can give rise to many questions. How serious is this issue? What does it mean? How can I get rid of it? There are many different types of cysts and each may require a different approach to treatment. At Glendale Dermatology, we frequently deal with these growths and can provide you with the best mode of treatment.

What Is a Cyst?

A cyst is a capsule that can appear under the skin or around the internal organs that may be filled with air or fluid. Most cysts are non-cancerous but some can be malignant, so they should be taken seriously. Some of these growths may not require gradual treatment, while others may dictate fast intervention. It all depends on the type of cyst you have, where it is, whether you are experiencing pain, and whether your cyst is infected.

What Causes Cysts?

Cysts can be caused by a number of factors, including keratin buildup, hormones, genetics, and trauma. The most likely cause will depend on your medical history and what type of cyst you have.

Different Types of Skin Cysts

The different varieties of skin cysts include:

  • Epidermoid Cyst – These skin cysts usually appear in the head area, such as the neck or face. They may also show up on the back or on the genitalia. Typically, epidermoid cysts are small, benign, flesh-colored, yellowish or tan bumps that are usually a result of the buildup of keratin beneath the skin.
  • Sebaceous Cyst – These are larger growths that appear on the face and neck, and sometimes on the torso. While also non-cancerous and slow-growing, depending upon their location, they may cause pressure that results in pain.
  • Ganglion Cyst – These round, fluid-filled lumps tend to appear around joints or along tendons, like the wrists and ankles. They may be due to fluid accumulation from injury or extensive use. They are not harmful or painful unless they grow so large that they start putting pressure on sensitive areas.
  • Pilonidal Cyst – These growths appear at the top of the buttocks as tiny holes in the skin that can fill with pus or fluid and may become infected. Causes include hormones from puberty, hair growth, and friction caused by the area rubbing against clothes.
  • Cystic Acne – These are growths that form deep within the skin, creating large, red bumps and nodules that are filled with pus and can rupture and leave scars.
  • Ingrown Hair Cyst – These tend to appear as pimples and occur when hairs grow the wrong way. These ingrown hair bumps can easily become infected.

Skin Cyst Consultation and Treatment in Queens

These are just some of the many skin cysts you may be dealing with. If you think you are suffering from this issue in Glendale or throughout Queens, it is very important that Dr. Brezel examines you personally to determine the best course of treatment. To schedule your comprehensive consultation, please fill out and submit the form below today.

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